
Deltaexpo Process inks for paper, board and “top-coated” plastic substrates.

Deltalitho High concentration process inks for paper and board.

Deltacure Process and basic colour inks for paper, board and top-coated plastic substrates.

Deltasynt Process and basic colours for plastic substrates (labels, credit cards, etc.) These inks have a very good adhesion and are laminable.

Deltafood Plus Process and basic colours with “low odour and low migration” for food packagings. Suited also for plastic substrates.

Deltahybrid “Hybrid” process and basic inks.          

Deltaspeed IT-UV and K H-UV High reactive process inks and basic colours for the new UV “ozone-free” curing systems.

DeltaLED Process and basic colours designed to be cured with UV/LED lamps.
